

from https://examine.com/supplements/l-tyrosine

amino acid

metabolized to produce catecholamines such as dopamine (DA) and norepinephrine (NE)
taken as a supplement to help increase catecholamine levels depleted during stressful or challenging conditions

used in the production of thyroid hormones


related to its ability to replenish catecholamine levels in the brain,
which can become depleted under stressful conditions

Multiple studies have demonstrated
that L-tyrosine can help to prevent declined cognitive function under stressful, cognitively demanding conditions

Although it has not been shown to improve memory under resting conditions,
L-tyrosine supplementation has been shown to alleviate reduced memory under acutely stressful conditions.

Overall L-tyrosine appears to be safe and well-tolerated at moderate doses,
with one 2-week human trial using a dose of 2500 mg, provided three times per day,
and another trial using single doses of up to 150 mg/kg of body weight (around 10,000 mg for a 68 kg/150 lb individual),
both with no adverse effects.


Although L-tyrosine has shown beneficial effects in some studies,
it has a mixed track record for efficacy,
with some studies failing to observe positive effects on cognition.

This may be partially explained by the fact that L-tyrosine increases catecholamine synthesis only when catecholamine levels are depleted, limiting efficacy to sufficiently stressful or challenging conditions. Efficacy may also vary in different individuals, as highlighted by one study that found that the effects of L-tyrosine on cognitive function become detrimental with older age.

There are also possible contraindications for L-tyrosine supplementation in people with hyperthyroidism or anyone taking L-dopa or monoamine oxidase inhibitors. If this applies to you, consult with your physician before supplementing with L-tyrosine.


used in the body to make the catecholamines dopamine (DA) and norepinephrine (NE),
which can become depleted under stressful or cognitively challenging conditions.

After supplementation,
L-tyrosine levels in the blood peak after one to two hours,
and stay elevated for up to eight hours.

then passes through the blood-brain barrier,
where it is absorbed by brain cells and converted in a series of enzymatic reactions to DA,
which can be converted to NE through the action of another enzyme.

The ability of L-tyrosine to enhance catecholamine synthesis only in neurons that are actively firing
may explain its ability to reverse the effects of neurotransmitter depletion during stress


tends to be taken in doses of 500–2000 mg
approximately 30–60 minutes before any acute stressor (this tends to be exercise)

Studies in humans showing
most anti-stress promise for acute supplemental L-Tyrosine use a dosage range of 100–150 mg/kg of bodyweight which can be taken 60 minutes before exercise; this is a dosage range of 9–13.5 g for a 200 lb person and 7–10 g for a 150 lb person.

If using higher doses and finding digestive issues,
this may be split into two doses separated by half an hour (30 and 60 minutes prior to acute stress).

공먹젤 익스트림‘이 ‘공먹젤‘에 비해 더 가지고 있는 요소가 L-Tyrosine이어서 궁금해 확인

성분명(관심 성분만)공먹젤 익스트림공먹젤젤

L-theanine은 help reduce stress and anxiety. 100-400mg/day. 여유 있을 때 내용 추가할 수.

Cloud storage services

Cloud storage services

일단 빠르게 대충 적었다. (시간이 허락하면 조금 다듬자.)

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https://icedrive.net/ ID Cloud Services LTD

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1TB: 7.99USD/m, 71.88(5.99*12)USD/y, 119.76(4.99*24)USD/2y; 3TB: 14.99USD/m, 131.88(10.99*12)USD/y, 215.76(8.99*24)USD/2y
2-year plan도 있다.
Lifetime plan들을 50% 할인 중

Masked email address로는 가입할 수 없다.

Desktop app으로 full-featured portable(!!)을 제공한다.

흥미롭고, 충분히 성숙한 인상.


이것도 언급, 비교가 많이 되더라.

PWA, 바람직한Web 등을 생각하다가

PWA, 바람직한Web 등을 생각하다가

AWS와 Azure 공식 문서들에서 PWA에 관한 내용들을 찾고 있었다.

어찌 https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/progressive-web-apps-chromium/ 에 들어갔다가 재미있는 것들을 보았다.

“To find examples of what PWAs can do, see Myth Busting PWAs.”라 하며 아래의 페이지를 소개.

이렇게 시작하여

이런 식으로 하나 하나 헛소리를 부수어 간다.

이 사이트를 보니 생각나는 웹사이트가 있어 여기에 적는다.


이 사이트를 생각하니 또 생각나는 비슷한 주소의 사이트도.


그리고 아래와 같은 페이지 하단에서 https://webwewant.fyi/ 라는 것을 발견.

2024 부산국제록페스티벌 Busan International Rock Festival

2024 부산국제록페스티벌 Busan International Rock Festival


부산광역시 주최, (사)부산문화관광축제조직위원회 주관

예매: http://ticket.yes24.com/Perf/49826?Gcode=009_206
3일권: 232,000원
IPRF와 달리 총 판매 티켓 수에 제한이 있어 구입 서둘러야.
셔틀 패키지 상품도 있다.

내게 새로운 fediverse network들 탐색

내게 새로운 fediverse network들 탐색

Movim 계정으로 로긴해 움직움직하다가
https://volpeon.ink/ 이 분을 발견.
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https://activitypub.software/ 에 가입까지.

mastodon.social이 등록한 email address를 바꾸는 데에 문제를 가지고 있어 정이 떨어졌다.
주 사용 fediverse를 libranet.de로 하려다가 (사용자가 꾸미지 않아도) 기본적으로 더 예쁘게 생긴 놈이 없을까 뒤지던 중.

그런데 Sharkey는 깔끔은 하지만 일본식으로 귀여워서 내 취향에 생김새는 맞지 않아.
Sharkey가 Misskey의 fork라 하니 Misskey를 한 번 보니 Misskey부터 기본적으로 그런 분위기.
여긴 접자.

저것보다가 이런저런 이유로 짜근넷이 기억났.

Havana Syndrome

Havana Syndrome

BBC Radio 4 – Crossing Continents: The Mystery of Havana Syndrome

(article) “Havana Syndrome: The History Behind the Mystery”

2024-04-01 https://www.fpri.org/article/2024/04/havana-syndrome-the-history-behind-the-mystery/

  • Possibly up to 1,500 American officials at home and abroad have suffered brain and other injuries in recent years from a mysterious malady that is reported to have begun in Havana in 2016 and has since been known as Havana Syndrome.
  • While aspects of these health incidents remain a mystery, they recall a series of historically documented Soviet technical operations against the US embassy in Moscow that began in 1953 and lasted for decades, providing credible evidence of serious harm to numerous diplomats and other US officials.
  • Since the fall of the Soviet Union, President Vladimir Putin and Russian military officers have publicly bragged about developing weapons that could cause health effects similar to Havana Syndrome.
    After attacks on officials of successive administrations, CIA Director William Burns may finally have put an end to such incidents by threatening the Russians with retaliation.
  • But the policy of tolerating, denying, and concealing decades of Russian attacks, at the expense of American officials, has harmed the credibility and weakened the power of the US government to deter other acts of aggression.

(article) “Unraveling Havana Syndrome: New evidence links the GRU’s assassination Unit 29155 to mysterious attacks on U.S. officials and their families”

2024-04-01 https://theins.ru/en/politics/270425

A yearlong investigation by The Insider, in collaboration with 60 Minutes and Der Spiegel, has uncovered evidence suggesting that unexplained anomalous health incidents, also known as Havana Syndrome, may have their origin in the use of directed energy weapons wielded by members of Russian GRU Unit 29155. Members of the Kremlin’s infamous military intelligence sabotage squad have been placed at the scene of suspected attacks on overseas U.S. government personnel and their family members, leading victims to question what Washington knows about the origins of Havana Syndrome, and what an appropriate Western response might entail.

(article) “CIA doctor hit by Havana syndrome says he was in ‘disbelief’ as he suffered what he was investigating”

2022-09-25 https://edition.cnn.com/2022/09/25/politics/havana-syndrome-cia-doctor-cnn-special/index.html

CIA physician Dr. Paul Andrews was one of the first people sent to Havana, Cuba, to investigate a spate of mysterious health incidents that were impacting embassy and agency personnel in 2017 when he was struck by the same set of debilitating symptoms, he told CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta in his first public interview for a CNN Special Report: “Immaculate Concussion: The Truth About Havana Syndrome.”

(article) “A ‘Havana Syndrome’ Investigation in Congress Rest on Politics, Not Science”

2024-03-15 https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/a-havana-syndrome-investigation-in-congress-rests-on-politics-not-science/

Lawmakers should look in the mirror if they want answers to who hyped dubious reports of Havana syndrome. Instead they are investigating the spy agencies telling them the truth about the mystery

Law & Order S21 E08 “Severance”


aired on 2022-05-05

based on several real world cases/incidents besides “Havana syndrome” phenomenon:

  • Tesla, Inc. workplace controversies (2020)
  • The “Facebook Files” leak involving Frances Haugen (2021)
  • The murder of Tracie McBride by Louis Jones Jr. and the related controversial Gulf War syndrome clemency defence

※ Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE, 만성 외상성 뇌병)

A neurodegenerative disease linked to repeated trauma to the head.

Symptoms occur in four stages and typically manifest 8 to 10 years after an individual experiences repetitive mild traumatic brain injuries.

  • Stage 1: confusion, disorientation, dizziness, headaches
  • Stage 2: memory loss, social instability, impulsive behaviour, poor judgment
  • Stage 3 and 4: impediments, sensory processing disorder, tremors, vertigo, deafness, depression, suicidality

A definitive diagnosis of CTE can only be made during an autopsy, as it cannot be confirmed in living individuals. While some researchers link certain signs and symptoms to CTE, no conclusive test exists to identify it in living people. Additionally, the signs often resemble those of other neurological conditions like Alzheimer’s.


대한민국 모바일 신분증 진행 현황  2024-06

대한민국 모바일 신분증 진행 현황 2024-06


행정안전부> 업무안내> 디지털정부혁신실> 스마트전자정부 구축> 모바일 신분증 (mois.go.kr)

모바일 신분증 https://www.mobileid.go.kr/


전자정부법 제10조(전자정부서비스를 제공받는 자에 대한 본인 확인)

행정기관등의 장은 전자정부서비스를 제공할 때 해당 이용자 등의 신원을 확인할 필요가 있는 경우에는
「전자서명법」 제2조제2호에 따른 전자서명(서명자의 실지명의를 확인할 수 있는 것을 말한다. 이하 “전자서명”이라 한다)이나
국회규칙, 대법원규칙, 헌법재판소규칙, 중앙선거관리위원회규칙대통령령으로 정하는 방법으로
그 신원을 확인할 수 있다.

개정 2020. 6. 9., 2022. 1. 11.
제목개정 2022. 1. 11.


전자정부법 제34조(업무담당자의 신원 및 접근권한)

행정기관등의 장은
전자적 민원처리 및 업무의 수행을 위하여 정보시스템 또는 행정정보를 이용하려는 업무담당자 등의 본인 여부 및 접근권한 등을
국회규칙, 대법원규칙, 헌법재판소규칙, 중앙선거관리위원회규칙대통령령으로 정하는 방법으로 관리하고 확인하여야 한다.


12월 27일 모바일 주민등록증 서비스를 앞두고
발급 절차 등을 담은 「주민등록법 시행령」 및 「주민등록법 시행규칙」 개정안 입법예고 2024-05-30

전 국민 모바일 주민등록증 시대 열린다 | 행정안전부> 뉴스·소식> 보도자료> 보도자료 (mois.go.kr)

2024-12-27(금)부터 주민등록증(17세 이상 전 국민이 사용, 2023-12 기준 4,427만명이 사용)에 모바일 신분증 도입,
실물 주민등록증을 들고 다닐 필요 없이 휴대전화에 이를 저장해 사용할 수 있다.

2023-12-26 모바일 주민등록증 발급 근거를 담은 「주민등록법」이 개정되어 1년 간의 준비를 거친 후 2024-12-27(금) 시행될 예정.
이와 관련하여 행정안전부(장관 이상민)는 2024-05-30일 모바일 주민등록증 발급 절차, 보안대책 등 세부사항을 담은 「주민등록법 시행령」 및 「주민등록법 시행규칙」 개정안을 각각 입법예고 한다고 밝혔다.

행정안전부는 2021년 모바일 공무원증을 시작으로 2022년 운전면허증, 2023년 국가보훈등록증 등으로 모바일 신분증을 확대하였다.
2024-12-27(금)부터는 모바일 주민등록증도 발급받을 수 있다.

모바일 주민등록증은 실물 주민등록증을 발급받은 사람이 희망하는 경우 신청할 수 있다.
발급 방법은 다음 두 가지

  1. 읍면동 주민센터를 방문하여 본인 확인을 거친 후 신청
    이 경우 발급 수수료는 무료이나, 휴대전화를 바꿀 경우 주민센터를 방문하여 모바일 주민등록증을 재발급받아야 한다.
  2. 실물 주민등록증을 IC주민등록증*모바일 주민등록증 발급에 필요한 보안사항을 전자적으로 저장한 집적회로(IC, Integrated Circuit) 칩이 내장된 주민등록증으로 발급받은 사람의 경우 휴대전화를 IC주민등록증에 태그
    이 경우휴대전화를 바꾸더라도 주민센터를 방문하지 않고 모바일 주민등록증을 재발급받을 수 있어서 편리하나,
    IC칩 비용(5천원)을 부담해야 한다.
    * 모바일 주민등록증 발급에 필요한 보안사항을 전자적으로 저장한 집적회로(IC, Integrated Circuit) 칩이 내장된 주민등록증

모바일 주민등록증 확산을 위해
17세 이상 주민등록증을 최초로 발급받는 사람*이 IC주민등록증을 희망하는 경우 무료로 발급
* 2025년 주민등록증 최초 발급 대상자인 2008년 출생자는 468,773명

모바일 주민등록증의 위․변조 및 부정사용 방지를 위해

  • 암호화 등 최신 보안기술 적용
  • 본인 명의 단말기 1대에서만 발급 가능
  • 휴대전화 분실 신고가 콜센터와 누리집에 접수되는 즉시 모바일 주민등록증의 효력이 중단
  • 개인정보 보호를 위해 모바일 주민등록증의 유효기간을 두어 3년*마다 재발급받아야
    * 휴대전화 교체주기(2년9개월)를 고려하여 3년으로 설정

행정안전부는 2024-05-31(금)부터 2024-07-10(수)까지 입법예고 기간(40일) 동안 국민과 관계기관 등 이해관계자의 다양한 의견을 수렴하여 개정안에 반영할 계획이다.
개정안은 관보와 국민참여입법센터(http://opinion.lawmaking.go.kr)에서 볼 수 있고,
개정안에 대한 의견은 우편, 팩스, 국민참여입법센터를 통해 제출할 수 있다.

2024년 모바일 신분증 민간개방
5개 참여기업(국민은행, 네이버, 농협은행, 비바리퍼블리카(토스), 카카오‧카카오뱅크 컨소시엄) 선정 2024-06-06

모바일 신분증 민간개방 확대로 국민 선택의 폭 넓어진다 | 행정안전부> 뉴스·소식> 보도자료> 보도자료 (mois.go.kr)

행정안전부(장관 이상민)는 2024년 모바일 신분증 민간개방 참여기업으로
㈜국민은행, 네이버 주식회사, 농협은행 주식회사, ㈜비바리퍼블리카, 주식회사 카카오‧주식회사 카카오뱅크 컨소시엄
을 선정하였다고 밝혔다. 행정안전부 공고 제2024-884호
이번 모바일 신분증 민간개방 참여기업 선정으로 국민은 더 다양한 민간 앱을 통해 모바일 신분증을 발급받고 사용할 수 있게 된다.

민간개방 참여기업 선정을 위한 모집 공모는 지난 4월 29일부터 5월 24일까지 진행되었으며,
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State-of-the-Art in Bio-Inspired Robotics

State-of-the-Art in Bio-Inspired Robotics

A comprehensive summary of the state-of-the-art in bio-inspired robotics, compiled from the responses provided by six different chatbots:

Bio-inspired robotics, also known as biomimetic robotics, is a rapidly evolving field that draws inspiration from biological systems to design and develop advanced robotic technologies. By mimicking the form, function, and behavior of natural organisms, researchers aim to create robots that are more efficient, adaptable, and capable of performing complex tasks in various environments. The state-of-the-art in bio-inspired robotics encompasses several key areas:

1. Soft Robotics

Soft robotics focuses on creating robots using flexible, compliant materials that can deform and adapt to their surroundings. Inspired by the soft bodies of animals like octopuses, worms, and caterpillars, these robots use materials such as:

  • Elastomers and hydrogels for flexible and stretchable structures
  • Shape-memory alloys and polymers for programmable deformation
  • Pneumatic and hydraulic actuators for soft, fluid movements

Soft robots can navigate complex environments, handle delicate objects, and withstand impacts, making them suitable for applications in healthcare, search and rescue, and human-robot interaction.

2. Biohybrid Systems

Biohybrid systems integrate living biological components, such as cells or tissues, with engineered robotic systems. This approach combines the best of both worlds, leveraging the adaptability and efficiency of biological systems with the controllability and robustness of synthetic components. Examples include:

  • Muscle-driven actuators using engineered muscle cells
  • Neural interfaces incorporating living neural tissue
  • Plant-based robots that harness photosynthesis for energy
  • Cyborg tissues made from a combination of living cells and artificial materials

Biohybrid robots have the potential to self-heal, adapt to their environment, and perform complex functions with high efficiency.

3. Micro and Nanorobotics

Micro and nanorobotics involve the development of extremely small-scale robots, often inspired by microorganisms like bacteria and sperm cells. These tiny robots can navigate through narrow spaces, such as blood vessels, and perform precise tasks at the cellular level. Key advancements in this area include:

  • Magnetic control for directing the movement of microrobots
  • Biodegradable materials for safe operation within the body
  • Targeted drug delivery and minimally invasive surgery applications

Micro and nanorobots hold promise for revolutionizing healthcare, enabling targeted therapies and diagnostic techniques.

4. Swarm Robotics

Swarm robotics takes inspiration from the collective behavior of social insects like ants, bees, and termites. By coordinating large numbers of simple robots, swarm systems can accomplish complex tasks through emergent behaviors. Swarm robots feature:

  • Decentralized control and local interactions
  • Robustness and flexibility through redundancy
  • Scalability and adaptability to changing environments

Applications of swarm robotics include environmental monitoring, search and rescue, agricultural automation, and construction.

5. Biomimetic Locomotion and Manipulation

Researchers are developing robots that mimic the diverse locomotion and manipulation strategies found in nature. These include:

  • Legged robots inspired by quadrupeds, bipeds, and insects
  • Flying robots that replicate the flight mechanics of birds and insects
  • Underwater robots that swim like fish or propel themselves like jellyfish
  • Climbing robots that adhere to surfaces like geckos or use microspines
  • Manipulators with dexterous grasping abilities inspired by human hands

By leveraging the principles of biological locomotion and manipulation, these robots can navigate complex terrains, perform agile maneuvers, and interact with their environment in sophisticated ways.

6. Biomimetic Sensing and Perception

Bio-inspired robots are incorporating advanced sensing and perception capabilities that mimic the remarkable sensory systems found in nature. Examples include:

  • Artificial compound eyes for wide-angle vision
  • Whisker-like sensors for tactile sensing and flow detection
  • Olfactory sensors for chemical detection and identification
  • Echolocation systems inspired by bats and dolphins
  • Neuromorphic sensors that emulate the processing in biological neural networks

These biomimetic sensory systems enable robots to gather and interpret complex environmental information, enhancing their situational awareness and decision-making capabilities.

7. Soft and Wearable Robotics

The integration of bio-inspired principles into soft and wearable robotics is leading to the development of adaptive and responsive devices that can assist and augment human capabilities. Key areas include:

  • Exoskeletons and assistive devices that provide support and enhance strength
  • Soft robotic gloves and grippers for dexterous manipulation
  • Wearable sensors and actuators for human motion tracking and assistance
  • Soft robotic orthotics and prosthetics for rehabilitation and restoration of function

These wearable and assistive technologies have the potential to revolutionize healthcare, manufacturing, and human-robot collaboration.

8. Evolutionary and Developmental Robotics

Evolutionary robotics applies principles from natural evolution to optimize robot designs and behaviors. By using genetic algorithms and other evolutionary computation techniques, researchers can automatically generate and refine robotic systems that are well-adapted to their intended tasks and environments.

Developmental robotics, on the other hand, takes inspiration from the processes of biological development and learning. By mimicking the way organisms grow, adapt, and learn from their experiences, developmental robots can acquire skills and knowledge through interaction with their environment, leading to more flexible and autonomous systems.

9. Biofabrication and Smart Materials

Advances in biofabrication techniques, such as 3D bioprinting and self-assembly, are enabling the creation of complex, bio-inspired structures with unprecedented precision and functionality. These methods can produce robots with intricate geometries, gradient materials, and embedded sensors and actuators.

Furthermore, the development of smart materials, such as self-healing polymers, shape-memory alloys, and stimuli-responsive materials, is opening up new possibilities for creating robots that can adapt, repair themselves, and respond to their environment in ways that mimic biological systems.

Challenges and Future Directions

Despite the significant advancements in bio-inspired robotics, several challenges remain. These include:

  • Scalability and manufacturability of complex bio-inspired designs
  • Long-term durability and biocompatibility of biological components
  • Energy efficiency and power management for untethered operation
  • Control and coordination of large numbers of distributed agents
  • Ethical and societal implications of increasingly lifelike and autonomous robots

As research in bio-inspired robotics continues to progress, we can expect to see even more innovative and transformative developments in the coming years. The convergence of biology, materials science, robotics, and artificial intelligence will likely lead to the emergence of highly capable, adaptable, and intelligent robotic systems that can address a wide range of societal challenges, from healthcare and environmental conservation to space exploration and beyond.

Additional resources

  1. Kim, S., Laschi, C., & Trimmer, B. (2013). Soft robotics: a bioinspired evolution in robotics. Trends in Biotechnology, 31(5), 287-294. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tibtech.2013.03.002
  2. Ricotti, L., Trimmer, B., Feinberg, A. W., Raman, R., Parker, K. K., Bashir, R., … & Menciassi, A. (2017). Biohybrid actuators for robotics: A review of devices actuated by living cells. Science Robotics, 2(12), eaaq0495. https://doi.org/10.1126/scirobotics.aaq0495
  3. Sitti, M. (2018). Miniature soft robots – road to the clinic. Nature Reviews Materials, 3(6), 74-75. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41578-018-0001-3
  4. Brambilla, M., Ferrante, E., Birattari, M., & Dorigo, M. (2013). Swarm robotics: a review from the swarm engineering perspective. Swarm Intelligence, 7(1), 1-41. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11721-012-0075-2
  5. Ijspeert, A. J. (2014). Biorobotics: Using robots to emulate and investigate agile locomotion. Science, 346(6206), 196-203. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1254486
  6. Barth-Maron, G., Stout, A., Yarats, D., Budden, D., Esipova, I., Abdolmaleki, A., … & Lillicrap, T. (2022). Biomimetic robots. Nature Machine Intelligence, 4(6), 445-453. https://doi.org/10.1038/s42256-022-00502-7
  7. Rus, D., & Tolley, M. T. (2015). Design, fabrication and control of soft robots. Nature, 521(7553), 467-475. https://doi.org/10.1038/nature14543
  8. Bongard, J., Zykov, V., & Lipson, H. (2006). Resilient machines through continuous self-modeling. Science, 314(5802), 1118-1121. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1133687
  9. Wehner, M., Truby, R. L., Fitzgerald, D. J., Mosadegh, B., Whitesides, G. M., Lewis, J. A., & Wood, R. J. (2016). An integrated design and fabrication strategy for entirely soft, autonomous robots. Nature, 536(7617), 451-455. https://doi.org/10.1038/nature19100
  10. Laschi, C., Mazzolai, B., & Cianchetti, M. (2016). Soft robotics: Technologies and systems pushing the boundaries of robot abilities. Science Robotics, 1(1), eaah3690. https://doi.org/10.1126/scirobotics.aah3690
2024년 메타버스 개발자 경진대회

2024년 메타버스 개발자 경진대회


주최: 과학기술정보통신부

주관: 한국전파진흥협회, 한국메타버스산업협회, 정보통신산업진흥원

참가분야: 취업과제/ 창업과제/ 자유과제

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‘Meta Quest’ 및 ‘태블릿’에서 활용 가능한 과학 교육용 AR/VR 콘텐츠 개발㈜로보로보
‘APPLE VISION PRO’에서 활용 가능한 MR 환경 어플리케이션 개발㈜위에이알
Unity 기반으로 ‘ARGear SDK’를 활용하여 메타버스 공간 내에서 사용자 아바타와 챗봇 기반 NPC간의 상호작용이 가능한 콘텐츠 개발㈜시어스랩
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AR글래스 ‘Metalense2’와 ‘Metacore SDK’를 활용한 AR 콘텐츠 개발㈜피앤씨솔루션
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‘APPLE VISION PRO’에서 활용 가능한 자유 창작 콘텐츠 개발(교육/정신건강/힐링/사회문제 해결 분야 중 택1)㈜듀코젠
창업 과제(4)과제10
‘Meta Quest’에서 활용 가능한 XR 콘텐츠 개발(게임+교육/게임+의료/게임+관광 등)Meta
퀄컴의 XR 개발 플랫폼인 ‘Snapdragon Spaces’를 활용하여 교육/SNS/게임/의료/건강/리테일 등에 특화된 메타버스 AR 콘텐츠 개발한국퀄컴(유)
퀄컴의 XR 개발 플랫폼인 ‘Snapdragon Spaces’를 활용하여 교육/SNS/게임/의료/건강/리테일 등에 특화된 메타버스 VR/MR 콘텐츠 개발한국퀄컴(유)
‘롯데월드 메타버스 SDK’를 활용하여 아바타를 생성하고, 3차원 공간상에서 상호연동하는 메타버스 구축 및 O2O(Online 2 Offline) 서비스 기획㈜호텔롯데 롯데월드
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Meta, ㈜맥스트,
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자유 과제과제15XR, AI 등 메타버스 기반 기술을 활용한 메타버스 콘텐츠·서비스 개발 또는 국내외 메타버스 플랫폼(Roblox, Meta Horizion Worlds, DitoLand 등)에서 활용 가능한 콘텐츠 창작Meta,
㈜유티플러스 인터랙티브,

참가팀 지원내역


Apple Vision Pro(2), Meta Quest2(20), Meta Quest(4), HTC VIVE(2), HTC VIVE CosMos(1), 노트북(30), 피앤씨솔루션 Metalense2(10), 퀄컴 스냅드래곤스페이시스 DevKit(10), 모션캡쳐 시스템(1) 등 80개

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