Category: Miscelleneous

Havana Syndrome

Havana Syndrome

BBC Radio 4 – Crossing Continents: The Mystery of Havana Syndrome

(article) “Havana Syndrome: The History Behind the Mystery”


  • Possibly up to 1,500 American officials at home and abroad have suffered brain and other injuries in recent years from a mysterious malady that is reported to have begun in Havana in 2016 and has since been known as Havana Syndrome.
  • While aspects of these health incidents remain a mystery, they recall a series of historically documented Soviet technical operations against the US embassy in Moscow that began in 1953 and lasted for decades, providing credible evidence of serious harm to numerous diplomats and other US officials.
  • Since the fall of the Soviet Union, President Vladimir Putin and Russian military officers have publicly bragged about developing weapons that could cause health effects similar to Havana Syndrome.
    After attacks on officials of successive administrations, CIA Director William Burns may finally have put an end to such incidents by threatening the Russians with retaliation.
  • But the policy of tolerating, denying, and concealing decades of Russian attacks, at the expense of American officials, has harmed the credibility and weakened the power of the US government to deter other acts of aggression.

(article) “Unraveling Havana Syndrome: New evidence links the GRU’s assassination Unit 29155 to mysterious attacks on U.S. officials and their families”


A yearlong investigation by The Insider, in collaboration with 60 Minutes and Der Spiegel, has uncovered evidence suggesting that unexplained anomalous health incidents, also known as Havana Syndrome, may have their origin in the use of directed energy weapons wielded by members of Russian GRU Unit 29155. Members of the Kremlin’s infamous military intelligence sabotage squad have been placed at the scene of suspected attacks on overseas U.S. government personnel and their family members, leading victims to question what Washington knows about the origins of Havana Syndrome, and what an appropriate Western response might entail.

(article) “CIA doctor hit by Havana syndrome says he was in ‘disbelief’ as he suffered what he was investigating”


CIA physician Dr. Paul Andrews was one of the first people sent to Havana, Cuba, to investigate a spate of mysterious health incidents that were impacting embassy and agency personnel in 2017 when he was struck by the same set of debilitating symptoms, he told CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta in his first public interview for a CNN Special Report: “Immaculate Concussion: The Truth About Havana Syndrome.”

(article) “A ‘Havana Syndrome’ Investigation in Congress Rest on Politics, Not Science”


Lawmakers should look in the mirror if they want answers to who hyped dubious reports of Havana syndrome. Instead they are investigating the spy agencies telling them the truth about the mystery

Law & Order S21 E08 “Severance”

aired on 2022-05-05

based on several real world cases/incidents besides “Havana syndrome” phenomenon:

  • Tesla, Inc. workplace controversies (2020)
  • The “Facebook Files” leak involving Frances Haugen (2021)
  • The murder of Tracie McBride by Louis Jones Jr. and the related controversial Gulf War syndrome clemency defence

※ Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE, 만성 외상성 뇌병)

A neurodegenerative disease linked to repeated trauma to the head.

Symptoms occur in four stages and typically manifest 8 to 10 years after an individual experiences repetitive mild traumatic brain injuries.

  • Stage 1: confusion, disorientation, dizziness, headaches
  • Stage 2: memory loss, social instability, impulsive behaviour, poor judgment
  • Stage 3 and 4: impediments, sensory processing disorder, tremors, vertigo, deafness, depression, suicidality

A definitive diagnosis of CTE can only be made during an autopsy, as it cannot be confirmed in living individuals. While some researchers link certain signs and symptoms to CTE, no conclusive test exists to identify it in living people. Additionally, the signs often resemble those of other neurological conditions like Alzheimer’s.

대한민국 우주항공청(KASA, Korea AeroSpace Administration) 개청

대한민국 우주항공청(KASA, Korea AeroSpace Administration) 개청

경상남도 사천시 사남면 해안산업로 537


차장 산하 기획조정관실과 우주항공정책국, 우주항공산업국 등 3국,
임무본부장 산하에 우주수송부문, 인공위성부문, 우주과학탐사부문, 항공혁신부문 등 4국,
총 7국 27과

각 과는 임무 단위 ‘프로그램’으로 구성, 이름에서 개발·지원할 분야를 나타내.

과기정통부, 우주항공청 개청에 따라 연구개발 분야 대대적 조직개편 실시

거대공공연구정책관의 명칭을 “공공융합정책관”으로 변경

“공공융합정책과”를 신설,
과학기술을 활용한 사회문제 해결(국방·치안·복지·안전 등)을 위한 전담

“미래에너지환경기술과” 신설,
미래에너지기술(핵융합·청정 수소 등)과 빈번해지는 기후 재난에 대비한 혁신적 기후 적응 기술개발을 전담

원자력연구개발 전담부서를 확대 개편,
초거대인공지능 활용·확산에 따른 안정적 에너지원 확보와 탄소중립,
혁신형 원자력 기술개발 및 국내 기술의 해외 진출을 체계적으로 지원

“공공연구인프라혁신과” 신설,
가속기 비롯 대형연구시설의 운영 및 활용 고도화 등

과학기술일자리혁신관을 “연구성과혁신관”으로 개편,
자율과 책임에 기반한정부 출연(연)의 혁신 지원,
관계부처와 협업하여 연구 성과가 경제·사회적 부가가치 창출로 이어지도록 정책 수립·추진

우주항공청의 설치 및 운영에 관한 특별법

[시행 2024. 5. 27.] [법률 제20144호, 2024. 1. 26., 제정

제정이유: 우주항공기술의 개발을 통하여 혁신 기술을 확보하고 우주항공산업을 진흥하며 우주위험으로부터 국민을 보호하기 위한 정책 및 사업 등을 효과적으로 추진하기 위하여 우주항공청을 설치하고, 그 조직 및 운영 등에 필요한 사항을 규정함

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Theme: Overlay by Kaira __
Fury Road, Pluto