Astronomy: Traditional Korean Science

Astronomy: Traditional Korean Science

The 22nd book in the series of The Spirit of Korean Cultural Roots published by Ewha Womans University Press. ISBN: 978-89-7300-779-0 “Korean science history has mostly focused on the achievements of scientists, frequently interpreted from historical or political viewpoints, rather than the basic scientific value of their research. This book reviews the general stream […]

[18 April 2016] Books on ‘Quantum Brain’ and so on

[18 April 2016] Books on ‘Quantum Brain’ and so on

  Books 『The Large, the Small and the Human Minds』 Roger Penrose 1997 Cambridge University Press 978-0521785723 The Large, the Small and the Human Mind – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Large, the Small and the Human Mind | History Philosophy and Foundations Physics | Cambridge University Press 『우주 양자 마음』 2002년 10월 30일, 김성원 외 옮김, 사이언스북스 […]

GitHub over SourceForge

GitHub over SourceForge

This morning I was checking news on RetroShare and found their notice — “Retroshare moves to GitHub” Now, more and more projects are hosted on GitHub than on SourceForge. Old projects are moving from SourceForge to GitHub and new projects start their works on GitHub. SourceForge launched in 1999 and GitHub launched in 2008. I […]

Theme: Overlay by Kaira __
Fury Road, Pluto