Matthew Schofield’s publication
Markov Chain, Bayesian models, hierarchical modeling, clssifying
- – post by mystral
Barker, R. J., Schofield M. R., Armstrong, D.P. and Armstrong, R. S. (2008).
“Bayesian Hierarchical Models for Inference About Population Growth."
Journal of Environmental and Ecological Statistics, In Press. -
Barker, R. J. and Schofield M. R. (2008).
“Putting Markov Chain Back Into Markov Chain Monte Carlo."
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences, In Press -
using hierarchical modelling
Elements of Statistical Learning: data mining, inference and prediction
Hastie, Tibshirani & Friedman, Springer-Verlag, 2008 (2nd edition)
Predictive Analytics Webinar, Data Mining Failure to Launch
"# How and where to get started # Why failure to implement is so common, and why pitfalls are so avoidable # Case studies that reveal the rewards of proper design and implementation # Why establishing an internal predictive modeling practice is within your reach # Tips, tricks and techniques for data preparation and method selection # Live participant polls and an interactive guru session with the experts # Resources and direction on how to move forward with confidence # And more…"
"He wants it to live inside Second Life," as she put it to me. "It will think and dream and everything." Indeed, the company’s website now lists as one of its three projects, "The Brain. Can 10,000 computers become a person?"
that was just one project
creating a sentient artificial intelligence which existed in a virtual world
"He wants it to live inside Second Life," as she put it to me. "It will think and dream and everything." Indeed, the company’s website now lists as one of its three projects, "The Brain. Can 10,000 computers become a person?"
Philip plans to revolutionize AI technology — in effect, achieving singularity in a virtual world
It’ll be possible for constructs that we build in Second Life and things like it in a simulated space to actually think
"It’s only a decade away, the simulation engines.
as the man suggested, progress on that project is still in early stages. However, due to the company’s innovative structure, pretty much anyone with the willingness and the talent can get involved
IEEE Spectrum: Boston Dynamics Wins Darpa Contract To Develop LS3 Robot Mule (It’s a Bigger BigDog)
"boston dynamics ls3 A bigger BigDog is coming. Boston Dynamics, developer of BigDog and PETMAN, announced today that it has won a Darpa contract to develop a new robot mule to help soldiers on foot carry gear in the field. The robot, called Legged Squad Support System, or LS3, will be able to navigate rough terrain, carrying 180 kilograms (~400 pounds) of load and enough fuel for missions covering 32 kilometers (~20 miles) and lasting 24 hours."
Y. Hu’s publication http://www.nku.edu/~huy1/publications.htm
"Analysis of Data Dependency Based Intrusion Detection System"
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.